Extended Range
Certain areas of the world provide spectacular dives at depths deeper than 39 metres/130 feet but you may not have access (or very limited access) to helium. The TDI Extended Range course teaches you the proper techniques for utilizing compressed air as a breathing gas, and with a maximum depth of 55 metres/180 feet, so you don’t have to miss those dives! The TDI Extended Range Diver Course provides the training and experience necessary including proper techniques, equipment requirements, and hazards of deep air diving, to competently utilize air for dives up to 55 metres/180 feet that require staged decompression, using nitrox mixtures or oxygen during decompression.

What you can expect to learn
The following equipment is required for each student:
- Bottom mix cylinder(s)
- Cylinder volume appropriate for planned dive and student gas consumption
- Dual outlet valve, double manifold or independent doubles
- Labeled in accordance with TDI Standards
- 2. Travel mix cylinder(s) if used
- Cylinder volume appropriate for planned dive and student gas consumption
- Labeled in accordance with TDI Standards
- Decompression mix cylinder(s)
- Cylinder volume appropriate for planned dive and student gas consumption b.
- der(s)
- A contingency use long hose second stage should be designated and appropriately rigged to facilitate air sharing at depth if necessary
- Buoyancy compensator device(s) (BCD) adequate for equipment configuration
- Redundant depth and timing devices
- Air decompression computers allowed for use as depth and timing devices
- Redundant light system if needed for site conditions
- Jon-line and other rigging lines as dictated by site conditions
- Ascent reel with lift bag/surface marker buoy
- Adequate for maximum planned depth
- Adequate lift and size for the dive environment
- Exposure suit adequate for the open water environment
- Two line cutting devices
- Underwater slate (for decompression/contingency tables)
Course Equipment Requirements
The TDI Extended Range Diver Course takes an in-depth look at all of the following and more:
- History of deep air diving
- Physics
- Pressure review
- Formulas for solving dive planning problems, maximum operating depth (MOD), best mix, and more
- Physiology
- Hypoxia
- Oxygen toxicity
- Nitrogen narcosis
- Nitrogen absorption and elimination
- Carbon dioxide toxicity
- Carbon monoxide
- Hyperthermia
- Hypothermia
- Decompression Options
- Air
- Nitrox
- Oxygen
- Equipment considerations
- Dive tables
- Dive planning
- Operation planning
- Team planning
- Emergency planning
- Diving procedures
- Descent considerations
- Ascent considerations
- Technical dive support
- Navigation
Course Prerequisites
- Minimum age 18
- Certified as a TDI Advanced Nitrox Diver and TDI Decompression Procedures Diver, or equivalent
- Proof of a minimum of 100 logged dives, of which 25 must be deeper than 30 metres/100 feet
Want to know more?
Ask more questions or schedule any of these courses Email Us.