The purpose of the SDI Altitude Diver Course is to acquaint a diver with the necessary procedures and knowledge to dive safely at altitudes at least 300 metres/1000 feet above sea level.

What you can expect to learn
The SDI Altitude Diver Course takes an in-depth look at all of the following and more:
- Why we do this type of diving?
- Dive tables as they relate to altitude diving
- DCIEM tables
- Bühlmann tables
- Cross corrections to United States Navy (USN) tables
- Computers
- Computer’s capability and usage
- Calculations based on cross corrections to USN tables
- Usage
- Examples of problems
- Last dive and travel at higher altitudes
- Correction of depth gauges and computers
- Gauges designed for 1 atmosphere (ATM)
- Capillary depth gauge will reflect the actual depth
- If there is any doubt use measured down line
- Hypoxia during altitude diving
- Levels of altitude:
- 300 metres/1000 feet SDI Instructor Manual
- 1200 metres/4000 feet, etc
Course Equipment Requirements
- Basic Scuba Equipment
Course Prerequisites
- SDI Open Water Scuba Diver, SDI Junior Open Water Diver, or equivalent or current enrollment in one of those courses
- Minimum age 18, 10 with parental consent
Want to know more?
Ask more questions or schedule any of these courses Email Us.